Saturday, January 17, 2009

Lesson #12

Story behind this photo: During the spring and summer, and sometimes into fall, I practically live in flip-flops. They require no tying, no lacing, no buttons, no velcro; no nothing, except a microsecond of time to slip them on. And they come in gazillions of colors and patterns and textures (which make a difference), and as an added bonus, they are nearly always on sale somewhere.

These flip-flops were ones I wore during April vacation last year, and this picture was taken while they sat on the floor of the car during a road trip.

I love road trips! They're one of my favorite things. It's refreshing to go somewhere new once in a while, even if it's not too far away. At home, it's common to know everybody and everything about their lives, but on road trips, everything seems new.

This particular road trip was to a "green" expo. It was one of the first times I had been to the town, appropriately named "Greenfield", and now it's one of my favorite places. It's small and quiet, and it always looks the same, yet always seems different. My favorite place there is the bookstore, which my Dad and I frequent.

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